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'Serene' an elegant Latin origin name. Inspired by clarity and depicts calm, peace, clear sky and calm sea.
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Rumi's World

Rumi's World

Sit with one who knows the heart

Rumi, Book of Shams,  Ghazal 563 

Sit, my Heart, with someone who truly knows about the heart, 
Sit beneath the shade of a tree that has fresh fruit and flowers, 

Don't wander aimless in this market of dubious sellers 
Only enter the store you know sells sweetness and sugar

Without a scale to weigh your purchase, soon, someone is bound to swindle you
They will color counterfeit coins an ornate yellow and you'll think it's gold

The deceivers will tell you, wait here by the door, I'll be right back 
Don't wait for them there, for that house has two doors

Don't go sit with any kitchen boiling stew, bowl in hand
For each boiling pot has something different brewing inside

Not every sea will have pearls and not every reed will be sweet
Not every eye has power to see; not every downside conceals an upside



We Rise Again


 Again we Rise


[Rumi's Ghazal 1674]

We are from above and upward we go ! Again We rise!

We are from the ocean and in waves we go! Again We rise!


We are the ark, vessel of Noah in the storm of the soul

without these hands or feet from earth, again we rise!


out of our Self like a wave we emerge, we rise

we see ourselves from deep within and again we rise!


like a needle we thread the narrow way of Truth

We weave through lies with a single thread and again we rise!


to travelers say,  while on the way, remember your home,

That way we know, why we continue to go, and again we rise!


If you have ever sung "we return to the One"

you will know, how far we can go, for again we rise!


Our constellation doesn’t go around the moon

We fly through space so close to Venus and again we rise!  


Nothing deters our determined minds 

from the great to the greatest, again We rise!


in our silos of wheat get rid of these mice

your blindness won’t see, how clearly, we rise!


A moment of silence before we depart, 

this chivalry, you don’t need to follow, for again we rise!


on our way to a mythical place where the Phoenix hides

Don’t block the way to the magical bird in this mountain pass 

Who are you to block our way to where the Simorgh lies

from above we are and upward we go ! and Again We rise!


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